Two Facebook Accounts lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys, how are you all doing? Esok pilihan raye. So slamat mengundi. Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just saje jer drop by nak share citer klakar kit. Last 2 weeks i got jinx lol. My Hotmail and Facebook got hacked by some bastard. I try to change my password. But cannot. Coz that bastard hacked both- my hotmail and Facebook. Nak tukar password kat fb kena go to hotmail. Tapi nak buat camne. Hotmail pun keen hacked. Nak tukar hotmail, hotmail pun x leh access and plus that bastrad link my hotmail to his/her yahoo account. Bodoh! So i send a report to hotmail and fb. Tunggu 24 hours not reply from both. So i buat la new fb account, link to my Gmail. Dah byk pun dpt sambutan the new fb account. Byk friends dulu dah add me back. Baru plak smlm hotmail send email saying my account dah boley revive. First ingat nak abaikan. Pastu piker tang safety better buat. Then i got my hotmail back. So dah dpt hotmail balik boley la revive fb juge. First piker 2,3 kali gak same ade nak revive or abaikan my old fb since i'm already enjoying the new one. But as usual, becoz of safety............i revive it too. Now i got 2 bf account la. One Fatin Miori Sakura (my old one), and Fatin Moon Neira (new one). Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, i have no intention to delete one of my fb. I would like to keep both. Well friends, looks like now you guys can contact me by both account- new one and old one. Wakaka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, Fatin Moon Neira was my design fb gallery, it was known as Neira Fadima. Well, maybe i change it back to my design account. Aduhai.
My New Facebook
Fatin Moon Neira

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My Original Facebook
Fatin Miori Sakura

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My New Facebook
Fatin Moon Neira

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My Original Facebook
Fatin Miori Sakura

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