Why I Prefer Asian Beauty More Than Western Beauty


this post is base on an article i wrote for my opiz annual magazine...............

Every race is given their own uniqueness and beauty. That’s why beauty is a subjective matter.  And as for me, I prefer Asian beauty more then Western beauty. But however I’m not being bias just because I’m a Malaysian and also an Asian. Besides Malaysia, I have stayed in America for five years and studied in Manchester for two years. I’ve met and make friends with different kind of races. Although most of the people I’ve met have their own uniqueness, but still I always see Asian people are the most attractive.

Asian people are born with different looks because we have different races such as Malay, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Siamese, Indonesian, Indians, and many more. And all of these races posses their own beauty. Example, the oriental people (Chinese, Korean, and Japanese) emphasized milky pale skin, small cat-like eyes, pink cherry lips, and straight natural eyebrows. While people in the South East-Asia continent (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines) are more exotic with tan yellowish skin.  This is what I like most about Asian people.

Besides, there are also a lot of mix races in Asia nowadays. There are Pan-Asians people (Asian mix with Caucasian) and there are also Asian mix people (example Malay mix with Chinese or any other Asian races). These people have different kinds of looks and beauty.

Another thing that I like about Asia beauty is that it emphasizes natural look. Asian people are on the soft side when it comes to putting on make-up compare to the westerners. Asian people prefer a more natural look that often consist of light foundation or BB cream, black eye liner, mascara, and lip stick.  Compare to Western people, they prefer bold make up.

Besides just looks, I believe that Asian unique culture and heritage also plays an important role in making Asian people more attractive then the westerners such as our traditional garments, arts, literature, and traditions.

And that’s all my comment on Asian beauty. Thank you.

#AsianBeauty #Beauty #MyOpinion #FadimaMooneiraBlogspot


  1. I totally agree that asian beauty is unique and more timeless

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  5. Interesting perspective! Diversity in beauty standards is always worth exploring. Write For Us Beauty

  6. I found this blog truly captivating! It’s refreshing to explore the unique reasons behind why some people might favor Asian beauty standards over Western ones. The focus on natural grace and detailed skincare routines presents an appealing alternative approach. Learning about diverse beauty ideals and their influence on our perceptions is always intriguing.

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  8. I really enjoyed reading your blog! Your perspective on the differences between Asian and Western beauty standards is insightful. It's refreshing to see such a thoughtful discussion on how culture influences beauty ideals. Great work!

  9. I loved reading this blog! Your perspective on Asian beauty is insightful and refreshing. The cultural nuances and diverse beauty standards you highlighted really made me appreciate the differences even more!

  10. Congratulations on your second novel, Fadima! 🎉 Saranghaeyo Namsan sounds like a heartfelt story. Wishing you great success with this new release! 💖📚

  11. Exciting to see Fadima Mooneera's second novel, Saranghaeyo Namsan, release! Can't wait to check it out and dive into this new story!

  12. I really enjoyed reading your perspective on Asian beauty! Your insights are both thoughtful and well-articulated. I completely agree with how Asian beauty often embraces natural elegance and uniqueness. The emphasis on inner beauty and cultural richness makes it even more fascinating. It's refreshing to see a genuine appreciation for the diversity and timeless appeal of Asian beauty!


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