I love you...Little Angel HAURA

Eiyo dearies,

I just finished reading Ramlee Awang Murshid's latest novel Haura last weekend. Now I would like to share with you guys my review for the novel. Let's not waste time..............

About Ramlee Awang Murshid

The genius author.........Ramlee Awang Murshid (Image: keluarga.my)

Ramlee Awang Murshid (a.k.a RAM) is Malaysia's no.1 thriller novelist. RAM was born in Papar, Sabah, Malaysia on the 4th of November 1967. He has a degree in Communications from the National University of Malaysia (UKM). RAM begins his career as an author in 1995. His first novel was titled Igauan Maut (published in 1995). He won the first runner up for Igauan Maut in Adult Novel Writing Awards hosted by Dewan Bahasa, and Sabah Literature Award 1995/1996. Besides Igauan Maut and Haura, RAM's novels are Tombiruo, Ranggau, Mandatori, Semangat Hutan, Pei Pan, ADAM, Bagaikan Puteri, Cinta Sang Ratu, Hijab Sang Pencinta, Hatiku Di Harajuku, Magis, and many more. All his novels are listed as a best seller. RAM has also won numerous creative writing awards in Malaysia and Asia. Some of his novels have already been adapted into a movie and translated into different languages. 

About Haura

Haura is RAM's 31st novel. The story is based on the Christchurch attack that took place on the 15th of March 2019. The Christchurch attack was a hate crime and it killed more than 50 Muslim people. 

The whole story setting was placed in Melbourne and Swan Hill, Australia. At the beginning of the story, an Australian policewoman named Jessica (the female protagonist) was sent to Swan Hill for an investigation assignment. Jessica was assigned to investigate a Malaysian man named Adam (the male protagonist). Adam worked at a farm in Swan Hill. He was suspected as an extremist to the Australian authorities. Jessica and Adam get close. They fell in love. What will Jessica do next? And which one should she choose? Love? Or her country?

Back in Malaysia, a young lad named Fahmi work hard and collected money to travel to Melbourne just to meet his lover, Waheeda. But unfortunately, Waheeda got engaged to another man. The heart-broken Fahmi stayed in Melbourne for three months without a Visa permit. He was then arrested and sent back to Malaysia. Three years later, Fahmi returned to Melbourne to look for his long lost love. He then met Adam in Australia, and they became one.

The story ends with a very happy and meaningful ending ^_^

My Opinions and Rating on Haura

Haura is a very interesting and amazing novel to me. I believe Haura is another success for RAM in creative writing. Haura is the fifth novel that I read this year, and I believe it's the best novel that I have read in 2020 so far. The title Haura is already interesting, and it makes me curious. I googled the meaning and find out that Haura is an angel's name.

The storyline is quite fast. I finished reading the novel in two weeks. The storyline is very thrilling and has a lot of surprise elements that make me wanna know what's next Adam and Jessica. I can't stop reading the novel until the end. At the beginning and middle of the story, I thought that Haura is an espionage thriller novel. But towards the end of the novel, I found out that Haura is not an espionage novel. Haura is a romance thriller novel. And I was quite surprised to know that Adam and Fahmi are actually the same person. The male protagonist's full name is Adam Fahmi. When Fahmi moved to Australia permanently, he decided to be called by his first name Adam.

I describe RAM's writing as creative and imaginative. He is definitely a gifted author. As a fan of RAM novels, I would like to advise you guys that RAM hardly writes his stories in A, B, C to Z flow. Readers are advised to read his novels with full concentration to understand what the story is about. 

Besides the storyline and surprise elements, I also like the way the author portrays intercultural romance and marriage, Islamic and spiritual elements in Haura. RAM also portrays Islam, terrorism, and Islamophobia clear in Haura. Besides thriller and romance, RAM also includes crime, conflict, and politic elements in the novel. 

Overall, I rate Haura 10/10, and I highly recommend this novel to all bookworms- especially those who are into thriller romance novels.

Before I end this post I would like to ask my readers some questions.......

1) Has anyone of you read Haura? If yes, what do you think about the novel?
2) Is there anyone of you a fan of Ramlee Awang Murshid? If yes, what is your favorite RAM's novel?

Ok, that's all for now. Thank you for reading. Stay at home and pray.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

#Haura #RamleeAwangMurshid #ThrillerRomance #NovelReview #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraBlogspot


  1. Oooh I've not heard of this book before, I'm definitely going to give this a read :)

    1. Hope this book will be translate in English soon. Most RAM novels have been translated in English.

  2. I am one of RAM's fan, but haven't read HAURA yet..would love to have it and read it later..as for now, I love Ungu Karmila and Laksamana Sunan's series the most!

    1. Ungu Karmila is one of RAM’s best novels. Laksamana Sunan series I sempat baca Bagaikan Puteri jer. My favourite RAM novel is Magis. It’s one of my all-time favourite reads.

  3. started to like his novels after watched tombiruo.
    that time, friends ramai yg share perihal RAM. googled about him.
    ok la. daya imaginasi RAM is amat tinggi!

    1. Kan! Cara RAM menulis pun lain dpd novelist Malaysia yg lain menulis.

  4. I ada beli novel 3 bulan lepas secara online.. Masih lagi berbalut dalam bungkusan parcel...

    Memang dah lama gila i xbaca novel/\.

  5. hi dear. mommy belum baca lagi haura, tetapi mommy pernah baca RAM punya novel yang Tombiruo . sebabnya ada keluar cerita. viral sebab zul ariffin.

    btw hr ni hari jadi u kan. happy birthday

  6. Ramlee Awang Murshid....... he is Malaysia’s no.1 thriller novelist.

  7. I haven't heard of this one before but it sounds like one I'd enjoy

  8. Rajin baca novel sekarang. Sis nampak tahuk novel Tombiruo. Ada di adaptasi ke layar perak ya. Bukan calang2 penulis ni.

    1. Yep, Tombiruo pernah diadaptasi jadik movie. Ramlee Awang Murshid memang one of Malaysia’s top novelist. Beliau day byk kali memang international awards, and novel2 beliau juga day ditranslate to different languages.

  9. Sis cuma ada satu aje buku RAm tu, nak kenapa? sebab tajuknya 'purple' ungu...apa namanya, Sis lupa.....itu pun kawan yang hadiahkan...belum habis baca lagi...bila tengok post ni baru teringat, nanti nak sambung baca...

    1. Ungu Karmila. That’s one of the best RAM novels. Sambung lah baca novel tu. Time MCO nie kan is the best time for reading.

  10. menarik juga rupanya daripada your review. saya jarang baca novel begini, time2 remaja dulu adalah. thanks for sharing sis

  11. I love books like this - that capture your attention so much that you just can't stop! Thanks for sharing this great review - I'll have to check it out!

    1. Yesssssss...............books like this makes your reading mission accomplish by just a click.

  12. That sounds like a captivating story! I love thrillers and romance so I can imagine that it's a story that you can't put down once you start reading it. Thank you for sharing it!

  13. 31st novel! wow ! that does sound like an interesting read though.

    thank you for sharing

    1. Yep, Haura is RAM's 31th novel. RAM is Malaysia's no.1 thriller novelist. All his novels are the bomb!

  14. First time dengar nama penulis nie. Kita nie jarang membaca buku, entah bila nak datang minat tu. dari gaya ulasan nampak mcm buku nie bagus betul ya sbb berjaya menarik perhatian pembaca bila dh mula membaca

    1. Oh I see.............you are not into books. Yep, Ramlee Awang Murshid is Malaysia's no.1 thriller novelist. Movie Tombiruo tu diadaptasi pada karya beliau la.

  15. Sounds like a very good book to get 10/10. Obviously I heard about Christchurch but I don’t know the details so this would probably make for a really exciting read. Thanks for the review.

    1. Yep, it is an interesting read. Plus, the storyline is very thrilling. It makes you wanna know what happens next and next and next.

  16. Okay , RAM , Ramlee Awang Murshid adalah penulis novel yang paling saya suka. Kebanyakan novel tulisan beliau saya dah baca! :)

    1. Alhamdulillah. So what is your favourite RAM novels?

  17. Thanks for sharing this review, nowadays I also read more than before.


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