My Second Mystery Blogger Award

Eiyo dearies,

I am happy and grateful to be nominated again for the Mystery Blogger Award (MBA). This is my second time being nominated for the MBA, and overall this is my third blogger award nomination. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Becca of Words And other Malarky for nominating me. Becca is an American blogger and writer. Her blog is very educational. If you haven't visited Becca's blog, here's her link Words And Other Malarky (just click the link).

The MBA is created by a lifestyle and fashion blogger name Okoto Enigma. The purpose of this award is to help bloggers who are still invisible to gain recognition for their awesome work. Btw, here's Okoto Enigma's link Okoto Enigma's Blog (just click the link).

Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion - Okoto Enigma

Mystery Blogger Awards Rules

1. Upload the award logo/image on your blog
2. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
3. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
4. List the rules
5. Tell your reader three things about yourself
6. Nominate 10 – 20 people (So dear fellow bloggers, if you wanna know whether you are nominated, pls read this post till the end. I will only list my nominees at the end of this post ^_^)
7. Notify your nominees
8. Ask you, nominees, any 5 questions of your choice with one weird or funny question (specifically)
9. Share a link to your best post(s)

3 Facts About Fadima Mooneira

#1 I am the kinda person who has my own mood and I am unpredictable. I am very enthusiastic when it comes to doing things that I like and passionate about, that is writing, blogging, drawing illustrations, playing the piano, and singing. I always make sure I do everything I like the best. But when it comes to things that I don't like and uninterested (sewing is no.1 of course :P), I am very lazy and don't bother to perform my best. So if you see me not so enthusiastic at doing something, that means I have no passion for it. So don't ever force me to do my best. In fact, I am happy to admit that I suck at doing things that I don't like. After all, a human being cannot be perfect right? There are things that you are good at and bad at. Normal.

#2 I am a bookworm and I love to read. I believe reading is an important hobby for me. I get my inspirations to write and draw from my readings. I read all genres - classic literature, romance, spy and crime thriller, fantasy, general, comics, and even children's storybooks.

#3 My favorite flower is green orchid. Orchids are beautiful, and it symbolizes a beautiful and confident woman. Besides orchids, I also like tulips and sunflowers.


1) If you could go back in time to when you were a teenager, what would you tell yourself (unless you are a teenager, then what do you hope your future self would tell you)?

I would tell my teenage self not to be upset that I was not the most popular kid in school. It's because that doesn't determine my future. Just focus on study, and enjoy doing all the things I love.

2) What type of person do you find yourself drawn to as a friend? (For example, I tend to make friends with the shy, awkward types, probably because I empathize with them.)

I believe this is the best question from Becca. When it comes to making friends and socialization, I am quite open-minded. I don't choose friends for their looks and wealth. But I do choose friends with intelligence, intellectual, integrity, charisma, and people who have the same passion and dreams as mine.

3) Would you rather go without makeup or without hair styling tools? (If you’re a guy, shaving or hairstyle?)

Without makeup. I'm always more comfortable without makeup these days. Malaysia is just to hot to wear makeup now. Plus, I am not really a makeup person. I believe in inner beauty more than outer beauty. But hair is quite important for me. A good hairstyle makes a person look presentable although she is not wearing any makeup. That's my opinion.

4) If you could have lunch with a fictional character (movie, TV, book, whatever), who would it be and why?

Hehehe...........that would be Anne Shirley from Anne Of Green Gables. She is an inspiration. I like Anne's enthusiasm and zest to life. 

5) And now the funny one (I guess): You must choose one song with which to torture your enemies by playing it on repeat. What song do you choose?

Hmm..........i probably a patriotic song. But I am not sure which one it is.


1) What was your first ambition when you were a little kid?

2) Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

3) What has blogging teaches you so far?

4) Which celebrity would you like to have coffee with and why?


Most Hong Kongers wants to boycott Disney's Mulan because of actress Liu Yi Fei (Mulan) supported the China police. Do you agree that boycotting the movie is the best idea to save and support Hong Kong? Pls, elaborate your answer.



#MysteryBloggerAward #Lifestyle #Travel #PopCulture #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraBlogspot


  1. Omg I love your answers! And I totally agree about not feeling motivated to do things you're not passionate about... I'm the same way! Thank you so much for participating, it was a joy to read!

    1. I believe most millennials have the same thinking. We are only enthusiastic doing things that we are passionate about. I believe that is ok. Thank you for nominating me. Nice to know darl.

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! I loved reading this post as I got to learn you a bit better! Thanks for sharing this. :)

    xoxo Simone |

    1. You’re welcome. Thank you for your comment too.

  3. congrats sebab tercalon dalam MBA! Your post memang banyak info and motivational quotes. Well deserves!

    1. Auwww!!!!!!!! I am touch by your compliment. Thank you. You blog pun apa kurangnya.

  4. Tahniah nama i ada dalam ni laaa..hokay nnti free try buat task ni ya..thanks yaa...

  5. Congrats bring nominated again and good luck to u.

  6. Never know about this award before. Btw, congrats for being nominated for 2nd time. I wish u all the best and good luck.

  7. Congratulation on nominated again for the Mystery Blogger Award (MBA), wish you all the best and bight future.

  8. congrats on nominated again for MBA! Your post memang banyak info and motivational quotes. You
    deserves it dear!

  9. Wahhh never know about this award and congratulations and good luck!!

    1. Hehehe...... international bloggers memang suka buat activity camnie. Part of their networking. Tq.

  10. Wow! That's awesome! Congratulations

  11. hihi your answers awesome! susah nak jumpa ladies yang tak berapa suka make up. I ingat spesies cam i je

    1. Hehehe......... that becoz I look ugly with heavy makeup 😜

  12. Wow.. hebatnya ada bloggers yang memang liez adore.. goid to have this award and appreciate our bloggers members.

    1. Yeah. We should have this kinda ward for Malaysian bloggers.

  13. Wahh bagus ada segmen macam ni. I still remember masa 2008 kami blogger rancak buat segmen utk memeriahkan dunia blog. Keep it up okey!

  14. Wow menarik bila ada segmennmcm ni..dapat menghargai rakan2 blog yg lain

  15. Wahhh tahniah tercalon dlm award ni. Good luck. Memang you layak tercalon sb penulisan you bagus..sis suka baca

  16. Congratulations sebab tercalon dalam award ni kali ke 2. Bukan calang calang blogger yang tercalon ni. All the best ya!

  17. Tahniah.. Nice jawapan yang you berikan

  18. Congratulations. I enjoyed reading the interview and I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks.

  19. Great i really liked reading your post. Have a wonderful time

  20. Tahniah! Terbaiklah kerana tercalon. Nak try jugaklah nnti. Tahniah!

    1. Aerill, I ada nominated you juga for the MBA masa first i dpt this award.

  21. Now I got to know the more of you ! Nice to meet you new friend!

  22. Congratulation sebab. I love this blog some so nice posts sharing here.. Great work.
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