Six Ways To Rock Your Stay At Home Vacation

Eiyo dearies,

The world is not in a good situation at the moment. We are now having a Covid-19 crisis. Most countries are doing lockdown, isolation, social distancing, and movement control. So how are you guys coping with this lockdown, isolation, social distancing, and movement control? I know some of you weren't happy with the situation right now, especially for those who are extrovert and a social butterfly. But for those of you who are introverts and a homebody like me, you are gonna find this easy. I'm sure all the introverts have hobbies and things to do at home. Like me, I'm always working at home -writing, blogging, and drawing illustrations. These are the things I do almost every day and keeps me company always. Besides writing, blogging, and drawing, I also read books, play the piano, learn foreign languages (French and Korean), and doing fitness workout.

In this new post, I'm gonna share with you six activities that you can do to rock your stay at home vacation. These six activities are general things that most people can do to keep them company at home. Btw, I wanna call this lockdown and isolation a "Stay At Home Vacation" to make it sound less stressful for some of you and of course, myself ^_^

#1 Read A Novel/Book

As an edutainment blogger, I wrote a lot of novel/book reviews. Most of my fellow bloggers and readers commented on my reviews saying that they now don't have time to read novels/books because of their busy schedules. Some of them also said that they miss their reading hobby. So why not take this stay at home vacation as an opportunity for you to read a novel/ book? If you don't have a new novel/book to read, you can always read your old/favorite novel/book again. Go through your home library and check on your books. I'm sure you guys have awesome reads on your shelves right?

#2 Watch Movies/Dramas

For those of you who are busy working all these while and don't have time for leisure, this is your moment to chillax at home and watch movies/dramas. You guys can watch cool movies/dramas on Netflix, Viu, Apple TV, YouTube, Astro, and many more.

#3 Play Video Games

I was never a fan of video games. But during this stay at home vacation, I believe this is a good time to play video games. I'm sure those of you who are gamers are happy with activity no.3. Yes, I encourage you to play video games at home and have fun. There are also benefits to play video games. Playing video games makes you smarter and helps you with your creativity. That's what my cousin always said. He's a gamer. Hehehe.

#4 Do Chores

This stay at home vacation is an opportunity for you guys to do chores and clean your house. Doing chores isn't easy when you are pack with office work and stuff. So why not take this moment as an opportunity for you to clean your house. After all, taking care of your house and hygiene is important, especially during this Covid-19 season. Trust me, there is also a pride for it.

#5 Cook Your Favorite Meal

Activity no.5 is also for your self-satisfaction. Since you guys aren't allowed to dine outside, why not cook at home? After all, eating a home-cook meal is more satisfying than dining outside. So do it! Use some of the food items you guys bought from the supermarket to make your favorite meal. Trust me, this is a fun activity to do at home.

#6 Pray

I believe activity no.6 is a priority and the most important thing to do during your stay at home vacation. It doesn't matter what religion you are, either you're a Muslim, Cristian, Buddhist,  or Hindu pls take this stay at home vacation as an opportunity for you to spend time doing your prayers. In Bahasa Malaysia, it means "gandakan ibadah anda". To all my Muslim friends, pls take this opportunity to read the Al-Quran and Yassin. I believe praying is the best way to reduce this Covid-19 virus. Insya'Allah, the world will be beautiful and lively again after this Covid-19 virus gone. Aamiin.

Okay, these are the six activities you can do during your stay at home vacation. Pls keep calm and stay safe. Also, be patient, stay positive, and pls co-operate with your government -follow their safety instructions. Don't panic. This Covid-19 season is only temporary although we don't know yet when it's going to end. To all those social butterflies, pls see this stay at home thingy as a cool new thing. Don't see this as a burden. To be honest, I am also frustrated with this Covid-19 season. March is my birthday month, and I suppose to have an exciting schedule this month. I suppose to have my book launch ceremony and participate in the Kuala Lumpur Book Festival 2020. But due to this Covid-19, all events are canceled. However, I believe this Covid-19 season is also a season for us to practice kindness for ourselves and those we loved. 

Before I end this post, let me ask you a simple question. So what do you guys love to do when you're at home? Pls, share it with me in the comment box below. I would also like to know how you rock your stay at home vacation ^_^

Ok, that's all for now. Thank you for reading.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

#StayAtHomeVacation #TheNewCoolThing #Covid19 #SaveTheWorld #PrayForTheWorld #SocialDistancing #StopSpreading #KindnessPractice #BePatient #Lifestyle #FadimaMooneiraBlogspot



  1. I absolutely love your positive attitude! I feel happier just having read this post. I agree that this time should be used to do things that made you happy: reading a book, cooking your favorite meal, etc. And that we should all prioritize staying calm amidst the chaos! I think it is easier for us artsy introverts. Stay safe (and sane!).

    1. Yes, introverts like us always have something to do at home. But for the extroverts it’s a burden. Thank you for your comment. You too stay safe ya 💋💋💋

  2. Great tips! Like you, I'm an introvert so I already do many activities at home to stay busy. I'm not into video games but I may have to give that a try now ;) Thank you for sharing your positive energy. Stay well.

    1. You are most welcome. Yeah, me not a fan of video games too, and I think it’s good to give it a try. Hehehe.

  3. All good things to do at home. It’s tough to totally avoid going out to get supplies but staying at home as much as possible is a good idea. There’s always something you can do at home.

  4. Love the tips. We play lots of video games in our house and always cooking/eating.

  5. I don't mind staying at home and self isolating, but what I hate is the fact that someone was ill in our household, and was told to self isolate, but ignored ever single piece of isolating and covonavirus hygiene advice. I've never hated someone so much in my life.

    On another note, I'd add to this list:

    Find ways to exercise at home, be it following exercise videos on YouTube or making up your own with what you have around your house

    1. Yes. I agree with your point. Work out at home by following videos on YouTube. YouTube have a lot of awesome work out videos. I loved following Rebecca Louise, Susana Yabar, and Blogilates.

  6. I should spend more time focused on doing chores. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes. This is a good time to start. I just clean my bathroom this morning. I’m feeling happy with the progress I made.

  7. Thank you so much for this tips. I will surely be incorporating reading the Quran more often and playing my favorite games. Just like you, I’m an introvert too so self isolating isn’t such a big deal.

  8. This is great. All things we'll definitely be doing I'd say.

  9. These are some really good tips! Cooking your favourite meal and reading books will be something that I will be going alot of x

    1. Yo go girl 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 And don’t forget to share with us your cool posts. I enjoyed reading your blog. Keep on the good work.

  10. Netflix and books are an amazing way to get through self-isolation!x

  11. Very thoughtful post.Will try all of the ideas above xxxx

  12. Yaa betul..i dah duduk rumah for 26years, so many things boleh buat, tak sempat nak kata bosan...nak dengan taknak je kann..kalau cakap bosan je, memang bosanlah jadinyaa

    1. Yep true. You must get a hobby or find something to do. Kalo dok melopong jer memang rasa azab la.

  13. Yeah.. Banyak benda kita boleh buat kalau duduk dirumah.. jangan kusutkan fikiran tu sangat kalau tak dapat nak kemana-mana.. fikirkan kebaikan disebalik saranan kerajaan untuk stay at home tu..

    1. Btul tu! Beri kerja sama. Insya’Allah Hari celah kan tiba.

  14. I guess all introverts think alike. hihi Im doing exactly all the tips you are sharing. Add on coloring too since I dont have the skill to draw... coloring will do. hihi

    1. Colouring is a good hobby and also good for therapy. Hope you will enjoy colouring and it will be your permanent hobby.

  15. Yes now is the time for family bonding and cleaning at home at least keep you busy and off course cooking is better than buying food.

    1. I second everything you said sis 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  16. Indeed, these are all activities that I’ve been doing at home daily and especially now while we’re all having our Movement Control Order. Indeed kinda knocked us bored when we can’t go out a lot but well, our health are more important so we gotta embrace this as best as we can.

    1. Agree. Insya’Allah. It is not going to be forever. Yg penting rakyat beri kerjasama lah dgn govt.

  17. watch drama definitely..esp the series one..and the best part we can cook for our family everyday without failed

  18. Hari ni dah hari kelima. I dah rasa macam malas nak buat apa-apa. Because penat sangat. Semua orang nak makan aje. Penat masak. Hahaha

    1. Oh I see....... I understand that. Why not and your family take turn cooking.

  19. Thank you for the tips. Aktiviti nak kena banyak fikir jugak untuk anak2 ni.hihi

    1. Anak2, let them read books, play video games, drawing, colouring, or any cool activities............

  20. Tq for sharing dear..memang inilah tengah buat waktu nie..hopefully cepatlah berlalu wabak. Covid 19 nie

  21. hehe iena kebosanan weekend kt umah sebab iena da biasa buat outdoor activity, pergi review atau event or balik kg..
    nak baca novel tak minat, main game pun tak minat haha..memasak je la boleh :D
    weekday work from bz la x rasa sangat bosan tu..cuma environment kerja kt uma xbest sebab anak jiran bising2

    1. I understand how you feel. This MCO is hard for extroverts like you. But you need to be patient and positive with it. Insya’Allah, Doakan semoga Covid-19 Ini akan berakhir dgn baik. Boley kita lakukan activity outdoor kesukaan kita spt biasa balik.

  22. Correct babe. I did all six and more - I cleaned the house, rearranged furniture and washed items like never before hahaha. Now I am rereading my fave novels by Sidney Sheldon.

    1. Good for you Rawlins. I pun smlm basuh bathroom and hapuskan dust bunnies in my room macam giler. Hahaha. Selalu nyer I malas tau kejer2 macam nie. Ahax!

  23. banyak rupanya kan apa yang kita boleh buat during this #StayAtHome. jangan gatal2 nak keluar rumah ya

  24. Belum dapat berehat walaupun duduk rumah. Banyak benda nak buat. Tapi berharap semua ni berakhir dan dapatlah kita jalani hidup biasa. I dah buat tengok movie tu. Baca buku tak rajin.hehe

  25. Thanks dear sharing menarik utk kita semua during #stayathome ni. Take care ya!

  26. These are great tips. I really hope we get through this safe and sound. Now that I am self isolating I have more time to spend doing the things I didn't have enough time to - Learn new things I am interested in and work on my project. Thank you for those great tips.

    1. That’s awesome Darina. I am happy for you. Keep it up.

  27. Already doing a great job on the first 5 points!

    - Laura //

    1. Good job. Try no.6. It helps you calm down and makes you positive.

  28. Great tips Fadima! I have cleaned the house and went through my book case and found an old paperback thriller that I haven't read yet. Another idea is to shop your closet with my tips -Jenni xxx

    1. That’s good. I hope you will finish reading that book during this stay at home vacation.

  29. I plan on doing all these things too! Today was officially my last day at the office so I don't have any work to do now.

  30. Great ideas here! I decided I'll make the most of the time I have to spend at home and do all the things I never have the time for. So far, I still don't have the time for all the things I want to do but I least I started cooking and execising daily.

  31. Great list! :) I am actually a huge movie fan, so that's something I am doing every evening. At weekends I am having game nights with my brother! But in the mornings - working on my blog. This is a good time to do things for what we normally hadn't time (like clean the house), be with our family and concentrate to ourselfs! This time isn't so bad, as many thinks! :)


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