Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to my blog. To my Muslim friends, how was your Eid Al-Adha yesterday? I had a small lovely celebration with family and relatives. Syukur alhamdulillah. I hope you guys had a beautiful celebration too.

In today's entry, I will share my review of Lelaki Astatine. This novel belongs to the contemporary romance genre. Lelaki Astatine is written by my favorite author, Anjell. Now let's begin this review with Anjell's bio...


Anjell at KLIBF 2023. Thanx to my BFF, Maddy M for this picture ^_^

Anjell is Malaysia's bestselling romance novelist. Lelaki Astatine is Anjell's latest novel. This novel was published early this month. Besides Lelaki Astatine, some of Anjell's novels are  Eksperimen Cinta, Suamiku Paling Sweet, Tundukan Playboy Itu, Hero Seorang Cinderella, Dr. Alpha Male, Dheo's, Dia Tetap Sempurna, King Haidar and Rose's. Two of her novels, Tundukan Playboy Itu and Hero Seorang Cinderella have already been adapted into a TV drama series.

Besides writing, this pretty young author also enjoys spending quality time with her cat. Anjell appreciates her fans a lot. To Anjell, support from fans is her motivation to create swoon-worthy heroes and strong-willed heroines. And I agree with her ^_^


Lelaki Astatine (LA) is a healing love story. This novel carries the trope of grumpy and sunshine. But for LA, the grumpy and sunshine trope is a reverse one.

The story follows a beautiful woman named Eshal Elzahra. Eshal is not just beautiful. She's also intelligent and comes from a wealthy family. But Eshal did not grow up as a princess. Her mother died when was young. Her father doesn't really care about her. Her stepmother hates her. And so does her step-sister.

Growing up with no love makes Eshal a bitter person. Eshal believes she's unlucky and doesn't deserve to be happy. She even believes that Allah SWT hates her. Oh dear... this is so not good. But Eshal's life is about to change when Ardean Tufail enters her world.

Ardean is the opposite of Eshal. He is a very summer sunshine person. Ardean's cheerfulness makes others believe he is childish and too innocent including Eshal. But actually, Ardean is very mature. He knows there are ups and downs in life. But Ardean is a grateful person. He puts his trust in Allah SWT.

My fan cast for Lelaki Astatine ~ Bae Suzy as Eshal Elzahra and Byeon Woo Seok as Ardean Tufail 

One day, a tragic accident hits Eshal. Her spinal cord is badly injured. The accident makes Eshal paralyzed. And being paralyzed makes Eshal more bitter than before.

To Ardean, Eshal will always be his diamond no matter what. He vows to love, cherish, and look after her. In the middle of the story, Ardean and Eshal become husband and wife. Ardean sincerely wants to heal Eshal from the inside out. He wants Eshal to be happy and grateful no matter what life gives her. Ardean wants Eshal to know that she is strong and Allah SWT loves her. Allah SWT is never unfair to everyone including Eshal. Ardean wants Eshal to believe that she will find the light in her tunnel. Ardean also wants Eshal to know that there are so many things for her to be grateful for.

So will Eshal open her heart? To move forward, a person must often return to the place where it all began...


I've been a fan of Anjell since I read Dr. Alpha Male in 2022. Anjell's works are simply awesome. And for Lelaki Astatine, Anjell did not disappoint me at all. Syukur alhamdulillah. Yay!!!

I believe LA is Anjell's best work. If you guys think LA is another Cinderella cliche romance story, you guys are wrong. In fact, this story has nothing to do with Cinderella and Prince Charming. LA is not just a flowery romantic novel. But it's also spiritual, healing, and an eye-opener to life. Ardean Tufail is not just a swoon-worthy hero. He is also an inspiring character. Ardean always believes in good things even though there are times when life gives him lemons. 

Ardean is a healing hero and a very calm character. And the best thing about Ardean is he is grateful for everything that Allah SWT has blessed him with. This includes all the challenges he faced. And he ends up getting more.

Being grateful and putting your trust in Allah SWT are the top two keys to happiness. These are the messages Anjell wants her readers to bring home. Syukur alhamdulillah, I always believe in these two keys to happiness. So friends, when you're feeling down just remember Allah SWT. Insya-Allah, you'll be ok. Human beings may be unfair. But Allah SWT is always fair. This is what I always believe in. Just sharing ^_^

One of Ardean and Eshal's sweet moments in Lelaki Astatine. (Image: My Artstagram @fmooneira_art)

Besides Ardean Tufail's character and the moral messages, I also like Anjell's writing style for LA. Anjell's writing style in this novel is a bit different from before. Her writing is more mature and spiritual. Anjell's writing in LA is a mixture of Lisa Kleypas and Nicholas Sparks. Plus, I also want to thank Anjell for providing me with some knowledge of chemistry, and biology in LA. Hehehe ^_^

Overall, I rate this novel 10/10. This novel is a very enjoyable read. Plus, it's the best novel I've read in 2024 so far. I highly recommend my fellow bookworms to check out Lelaki Astatine by Anjell. This novel is a must-not-miss, guys. You'll regret it if you don't read it. Hehehe ^_^

Okay, so this is my review of Anjell's Lelaki Astatine. So has anyone read Lelaki Astatine? If yes, what are your opinions of Anjell's writing style for this novel? And what are your opinions of Ardean Tufail's character? Did you guys find him swoon-worthy? And did you guys have a crush on him? Hehehe.... I had a crush on Ardean Tufail while reading LA. He is a dreamboat. I believe the world would be a better place if there were more men like him. Btw, I'm sure there are. Hehehe ^_^

Before I end this post, I want to say thank you to those who have purchased my second novel, Saranghaeyo Namsan via Book Capital and Fadneira_On94U. Your support and love are forever appreciated and it means the world to me. Thank you so much, guys. Keep on supporting the book industry ya. And to those who have read Saranghaeyo Namsan, please share your reviews on socmeds, and don't forget to tag me. Hehehe ^_^

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading. I'll see you guys again in my next post. Insya-Allah.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger & Illustrator)

#LelakiAstatine #Anjell #ContemporaryRomance #NewAdultRomance #RomanceNovel #SwoonWorthy #PageTurningRomance #GrumpyAndSunshineReverse #AlphaMaleHero #StrongWilledHeroine #KaryaSeni #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. Another amazing book review from you Fadima, this sounds like a good book! x

    Lucy Mary

  2. Wow, Anjall is so talented to have her books adapted into a TV drama series! This book you reviewed could definitely make a great TV series too, right? I totally agree about casting Suzy Bae and Byeon Woo Sook – they look great together on screen.

    1. Yesssss!!!!!!! And everyone is waiting for them as on-screen couple 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  3. Great review. I haven't read anything from this author before but this sounds like a really enjoyable book.

  4. It's so wonderful to learn about such wonderful authors, particularly when it may be within a genre I am not so familiar with. This novel sounds really good, and I will have to look into finding it, and others like it. Thanks you!

  5. Happy Eid and awesome you enjoyed with the family. This is interesting novel and first time to know about it. Lovely review!

  6. I doooo love a romance especially a contemporary romance. I’ve never heard of this author but now I’ve read this - I’m interested. Especially the books turned into movies. Thanks for sharing

    1. Auwww!!!!!! I really wish Anjell's books will be translated into English soon so that we can geek about her works together.

  7. I love how the author loves her fan. That is rare these days. I like the fact she uses the grumpy and sunshine plot. I think that may be my favorite because most of the time the main character that is grumpy has an interesting background story into why they behave that way.

    1. An author loves his/her fans is rare? Umm… not in Malaysia I guess. Fans make you grow. So it's important to appreciate them. What’s important is you know your boundaries.

  8. Great review Fadima! This sounds like an interesting read!

  9. It sounds like you had a great celebration. This was a great review and lovely to hear your thoughts. Your art you included is so good. Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren - bournemouthgirl

  10. Lelaki Astatine does sound like a wonderful book with great messages. Thank you for sharing your review!

  11. Thank you for your review Fadima! I would like to read the book as well. Soon!

  12. Thanks so much for sharing your review on this LA book, gonna check out this healing love novel. Cheers SiennyLovesDrawing


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