Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. In my previous post, I mentioned that I would share my review of a gothic romantasy novel I just finished reading. But in the last two days, I found new inspiration for a lifestyle and fashion post. So, I decided to postpone the review and share this new idea instead.  Firstly, let’s begin this post with the definition of fashion…

According to, fashion is the dynamic and ever-changing expression of style, encompassing clothing, accessories, and trends that reflect the collective imagination and cultural identity of a society, serving as a powerful means of self-expression and creativity, influencing how individuals present themselves to the world, and shaping perceptions, fostering confidence, and celebrating the diverse tapestry of human individuality.

Yet, fashion is subjective. For some people, fashion is important. These are the kind of people who believe in looking good and dressing well. For some people, fashion is just an entertainment and not important.

For me, fashion is both ~ important and entertaining. I believe in looking good and dressing well. It is important to give others a good impression of yourself. It is also fun dressing up, looking good, and creating your own styles unapologetically. This is why I see fashion as an entertainment.

I also see fashion as a hobby. It's because fashion brings joy, colors, and glitters to our daily lives. When I say hobby, I don’t mean designing or sewing. But what I mean is: creating styles that suit your personality, having the joy of wearing stylish outfits while going out and socializing, and geeking about fashion with like-minded people. So for today’s post, I will share the four reasons why I believe fashion is a good hobby. Now let’s check out reason no.1…


A person with style is a person with identity and charm. Fashion helps an individual to shape their identity, discover their true self, and build confidence. Fashion allows a person to showcase their personalities, beliefs, and values. From fashion, a person is able to tell the world who they are and how they want to be perceived. Fashion makes an individual unique and stand out in a crowd.


Since fashion helps individuals shape their identity and discover themselves, it also helps individuals boost confidence. The right style will positively impact how a person perceives themselves. The right style will also bring a positive self-image and inner strength to a person. A unique style radiates authenticity, resulting in a greater sense of self-worth.

My very own style. Yep, I create my own trend ^_^


If you’re an introvert like me, fashion can be a good motivation for you to go out of your house and socialize with others. As an introvert, I hardly go out and attend social events. Yep, I’m a homebody and home is my sanctuary. Hehehe ^_^ But I do believe that it is important for me to go out of my nest sometimes and meet people. I can’t be a frog under a coconut shell. Ahax :P So I make fashion my motivation since it brings me joy. Yep, going out and attending events are my chances to dress to the nines and look like Venus. Woah!!! I love dressing up to the nines and showcasing my unique style. But I do it for my own joy. I don’t do it to impress people. So guys, if you’re an introvert and having a hard time moving from your nest, try to make fashion your motivation. It will make you want to go out and have fun.


Creativity and innovation are not just about technologies and AI. It can be in a simple kind of artsy form. Creating your own style can also be considered creativity and innovation. As an artistic person and fashion lover, I always see those who are brave to wear their own style as genius and brilliant. Plus, creating your own style is healthy for your brain development. It makes you use your brain well. So for those who want to create their own style, go ahead and start. Use your creativity and innovation talent. Be brave to show your identity and uniqueness to the world.

Okay, so these are the four reasons why fashion is a good hobby. For those who want to start a fashion hobby, go ahead and start! I encourage you to do so. Fashion is a good hobby. It brings loads of joy to your life. So do more of what makes you happy.

However, there are two things you need to know before you start your fashion hobby…

#1 Fashion is more art than glamour. So you don’t have to follow the trend 100%. Creating your own trend is better. Be brave to wear your own style unapologetically. Don’t let other people’s judgment scare you to be yourself. Most important, you enjoy it.

#2 There’s no right or wrong in fashion. For those who want to create their identity with fashion, just pick any style that suits you, a style that you're comfortable with, or a style that compliments your natural beauty. Believe me, you’re on the right track whatever style you pick ^_^

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading my fashion post. I’ll see you guys again in my next post. Insya-Allah.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger, Illustrator & Crafter)

#FashionAsAHobby #Lifestyle #Fashion #Arts #Fashionista #FashionLovers #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. I am completely lost when it comes to fashion as I've just got so stuck with just wearing what fits. I've recently decided to actually spend some time figuring out what my style is (or what I want it to be) as fashion really is a wonderful way to boost our confidence, etc. Thanks for this!

    1. Comfortable outfits are good enough. You don’t have to be vogue to be fashionable. And fashion is not the only way to boost confidence. Btw Molly, you are already amazing in your own way 💜💛💞

  2. I am a huge fashion lover and I always like to wear good outfits when I go out, it gives me more confidence! x

    Lucy Mary

    1. That's good. Keep it up 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  3. Good piece. I'm getting stuck in just throwing on tracky bottoms and a hoodie after work and I definitely need to get back to having a bit more pride in my appearance!

    1. Hoodie and track pants are good enough. You're a sporty person. So that style suits you the best. No need to change.

  4. great post!! Absolutely stunning and colorful graphics I loved reading about your perspective on fashion also as a motivator to get out more and be social. :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. I volunteer at a charity shop/thrift store and I have grown to love fashion. I love to try various styles for a little amount of money and figure out what my personal sense of style is. Great read, thanks!

    Olivia |

    1. Oh wow... I love vintage fashion. They are so chic!

  6. I love my unique styling, although I wish it was easier to find the fashion I'd like to express myself the way I would like. Not easy to find goth and metalhead clothes in my size and fitting

    1. I love goth fashion too. But yeah... it's heard to find gothic clothes in big size.

  7. Great post! I totally agree with "there's not right or wrong in fashion"! It's a form of self expression and thus we can all interpret it in our personal unique ways. Nobody has the right to tell you what's "in", you decide it for yourself ;) As someone who works from home I truly appreciate the opportunity to plan an outfit when leaving the house, gives me a nice confidence boost knowing that I look like a human being for a change :D

    Teresa Maria | Outlandish Blog

    1. I second everything you said. Fashion is suppose to fun. So don't let what others said control you.

  8. I never thought of fashion as a means to going out for socialising, but I can see how it can be. Interesting point! I think if it makes you excited, just do it! Finding the style you feel the most comfortable is important. I like your style!

    1. Yes! Fashion is a good motivation for introverts to go out of their nest and socialize with others. After seeing yourself in t-shirts and shorts almost everyday, it's nice to see yourself dressing up to the nines. Thanks to fashion, I'm save from becoming a frog under a coconut shell.


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