Eiyo Fadneiras,

I've been sharing many book reviews and content on my blog these days. So for today, I decided to geek about something different. I'm going to share about myself. Yay!!!

Most of us are familiar with the MBTI personality types. And most of us are obsessed with it. Hehehe ^_^ I agree, it's a cool way to get to know ourselves. But are you guys familiar with the Greek Letter Personality Types? The Greek Letter Personality Types are not much different from the MBTI. The Greek Letter Personality Types consist of seven personalities~ alpha, sigma, beta, gamma, delta, omega, and zeta. FYI, zeta is only for men.

My MBTI personality type is INTP. INTP means introverted, intuitive, thinking, and prospecting. INTPs are known as logicians. According to, people with this personality type tend to prefer solitude, as they can easily become immersed in their thoughts when they are left to their own devices. INTPs are also incredibly creative and inventive. INTPs are not afraid to express their unique ways of thinking or to stand out from the crowd even though they are introverted people.

In the Greek Letter Personality Types, I belong to the group of sigmas. Yep, I took my test and the result says I'm a Sigma female. Yeah! I'm happy with the result. Sigma female matches me a lot. So in this post, I'm going to share my 10 sigma female traits with you guys. But before I share the ten traits, let me share a summary of Sigma females. 

And my test result says... I'm a true sigma! Yay!

Sigma females are independent, loyal, and assertive individuals. Peer pressure and societal norms are the two things that never bother Sigma females. Yep, we don't care to fit in. We do whatever we want when we want to. Sigma females are unapologetically themselves. This is the beauty of being a Sigma female. Like the alphas, sigmas are also confident, charismatic, and charming individuals. But in contrast to the alphas, sigmas are introverted people According to personality experts, those who are INTPs, INTJs, and INFJs are automatically a sigma whether you are a woman or a man. 

Watch this video if you want to know more about Sigma females ^_^

Okay, now you know what sigma female is. So here are my 10 Sigma female traits...


I never bother to fit in or blend in with others. Hahaha ^_^ Unique is my middle name. Therefore, trends don't bother me. Yep, I don't follow trends. I'm definitely free from the FOMO diseases. I have no fear of missing out. So whatever goes viral on TikTok or any social media is hardly on my wish list. When it comes to buying decisions, I made my own. I never let other people influence me. I never refer to any bestseller list when making buying decisions. Btw, I'm born with brains. So why should I check the bestseller list? Duh!


I rarely changed my style and the way I do my hair. I don't even walk in high heels to prove that I'm feminine. And I don't even wear heavy makeup to look beautiful. Because of these things, most people think I'm not comfortable with myself. But in reality, it's the other way around. I know that my style or the way I present myself may not be comfortable for some people. But I like myself the way I am. And I have no intention to change. I'm unapologetically the beautiful me. And let me be honest here... having people telling or suggesting to me to change my style is very annoying. 

"Fadima, you need to change the way you dress. It looks childish and inelegant." 

"Fadima, change your hairstyle and get rid of that fringe." 

"Fadima, learn how to walk in high heels. Stiletto makes you hot." 

"Fadima, wear more makeup to make you shine." 

Ooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! These phrases are fuckin whiny! Guys, telling me to be someone that I'm not is one of the DON'Ts if you want to be friends with me. If you guys want to be friends with me, accept me for who I am. But if you can't accept me for who I am, you don't need to be friends with me. This sigma female is ok having people not liking her. Just don't annoy her by telling her who she should be.

My very own quote. Unapologetic is my middle name ^_^


As an introverted person, socialization is definitely not my thing. Yep, I'm not a social butterfly. Plus, I'm not the type of person who always wants to fit in a crowd. If the crowd or the group I'm hanging out with makes me feel uncomfortable, I will immediately escape. That's why anywhere I go people call me the lone wolf girl. I'm always ok being seen alone. To me, being alone is not lonely. True loneliness to me is being in a group of people who don't understand or treat me well. Yep, I know my limits. And this is the way I practice self-respect.


I'm quiet and reserved with people who aren't my type. But when I'm with like-minded people, I become chatty and talkative. I love brainstorming ideas, and talking about hobbies, passion, life, and dreams. Simple yet intellectual conversations keep my social energy alive.


Anywhere I go, I always intermediate people. And yeah, most people hate me for that. To them, I'm hard to get. Okay... it's true. I am a hard-to-get person. But I don't play games. Being hard to get is naturally me. And I'm totally unapologetic about that. Hahaha!!! What to do... I'm just not the kind of person who is impressed by looks, luxuries, status, and wealth. I'm more impressed with kindness, sincerity, honesty, and integrity. So to all the fake manipulative people, fuck off! Ahahahahaha :P


I always see small talk and juicy gossip as disgusting. Yuck! Every time I'm surrounded by gossipers, I always escape. And I escape immediately! Juicy gossips disturb my inner peace. I also don't like sharing my personal matters and discussing my love life with people that I'm not that click with. So if you ask me about my personal matters & love life and I refuse to answer it, don't try to force me. It means I don't see you as a good friend or even trust you especially if you have a big mouth.

I love dressing up to the nines. But I don't dress to impress people. I'm a beauty of my own class ^_^


Freedom and my time alone are luxuries. There are times I want company. There are times I want to be alone. It depends on my mood. Plus, this introverted girl needs to recharge her social battery ^_^


I may appear arrogant, cold, and stoic to those who don't understand me. Okay... it's true, my friendliness has limits. Not all people I meet and know can be considered as a friend. But deep down, I don't judge people. I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way. As long as you're not toxic to me, that's ok.


Most people told me that I'm attractive and charming. Okay, I accept this as a compliment. Thank you, guys ^_^ Since people see me as attractive and charming, they always think that dating and relationships aren't hard for me. But in reality, it is the other way around. Yep, dating and romantic relationships are never easy for me.

To be honest, I'm a lady with a high standard. My high standard gives me a hard time finding the right partner. This is something I can't lie to myself. That's why I'm always single. Hehehe ^_^ But being single is not a problem for me. It's better to be single and settle late than to be with the wrong person. Plus, I can’t live a life of unhappiness. I'm not the kind of girl who looks for love everywhere and simply says yes to anyone. I can only open my heart when I meet the right person. Only the right man can make me fall in love. That's why I'm not on any dating apps or websites. And to be honest, I don't date jerks who practice fake masculinity and sexism. Ahax!


As much as I value true love, I value true friendship too. My baby face may make me look innocent and naive. Some people believe I can easily be cheated. Duh! I'm very notorious when it comes to identifying fake manipulative people. I know who my true friends are. And I know who my fake friends are. So don't try to fool me. Plus, I can't be bribed. Hahaha ^_^

Okay, so these are my ten Sigma female traits. Before I forget, sigmas are also known as rare individuals. That's why it's not easy to understand a sigma. Hehehe... just sharing a little info ^_^

So have you taken your Greek Letter Personality test? If yes, tell me what is your Greek Letter Personality type. Are you an alpha, a sigma, beta, gamma, delta, or omega?  Hehehe... let's get to know each other.

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading and bonne weekend ^_^


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger, Illustrator & Crafter)

#MeMyselfAndI #MyLife #SigmaFemale #GreekLetterPersonalityType #INTP #MBTIPersonalityType #UnapologeticallyMe #Lifestyle #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. This is an interesting read, I'd love to know what type of personality I have!

    Lucy Mary

  2. I am a man who shares some of those qualities. I like spending time alone writing and reading as much as going out.

  3. I’d love to learn which personality type I am. I think I am also a sigma but I could be wrong! This was such an interesting read.

    1. Take the test, dear. Btw, what's your MBTI personality. If you're an INTP, INTJ, or INFJ, you are automatically a sigma.

  4. I found this an interesting read as I didnt know anything about Greek letter personaility types. Now I'm going to do the quiz and find out what mine is.

    Olivia |

  5. I am an INTJ, but I never knew I was a Sigma. I think both suit my personality very well.

  6. This was really interesting, thanks for sharing. I think I need to find out my personality type!

  7. This was a fun post! Thanks for sharing the info about yourself. I'm going to try the test now, too!


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