Eiyo Fadneiras,

Welcome back to Fadima Mooneira. In today's post, I will share my review of a novel I finished reading two days ago. The novel is an international bestseller and belongs to the romantasy genre. The novel is titled The Night Circus (TNC) and written by Erin Morgenstern. Now let's begin this review with Erin Morgenstern's bio...


The imaginative author ~ Erin Morgenstern (Image:

Erin Morgenstern grew up and lives in Massachusetts. She's a writer and multimedia artist who describes her work as "fairy tales in one way or another.” Morgenstern is an alumnus of Smith College, where she studied theater and art studio. 

Other than writing, this imaginative author also loves playing video games. She's a huge fan of fantasy fiction. The Night Circus (2011) is her first novel. The Night Circus was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Best Fantasy Books Of All Time. The novel also has won an Alex Award from the American Library Association, and the Locus Award for First Novel.

Besides The Night Circus, Morgenstern has also published The Starless Sea in 2019. The Starless Sea has won a Dragon Award for Best Fantasy Novel.


The story took place during the late Victorian era in England. Le Cirque des Reves (The Circus Of Dreams) arrived anywhere it wanted to be without warning. Citizens of every town did not hear or receive any announcement of the circus' arrival. The circus only opened at night and disappeared like a speck of dust when sunrise came.

Le Cirque de Reves was a place where everyone wanted to be. It brought joy and countless adventures. But nobody knows that the circus was also a battlefield for young magicians. Celia and Marco, two young magicians were destined to battle each other. They were trained for the competition since childhood by their mercurial instructors. In the competition, the one who wins will stay. But the one who loses will die.

Celia and Marco fell in love in the middle of the story. Their feelings for each other threatened their destiny. And everything was thrown out of balance. Can love save Celia and Marco from their unkind destiny?


Firstly, I describe this novel as magical, charming, lively, and entertaining. This novel is an adult fairy tale. I love that the story has a circus setting. It makes the story very lively. Plus, it makes me want to be in the story. Hehehe ^_^

I like that the author provides her readers with clear knowledge of the circus. Before I read TNC, I was never a fan of the circus. But after reading this novel, I fall in love with the circus. I believe the circus is a very interesting and lively place. I salute this author for her amazing imagination. Thank you for writing this story, Erin Morgenstern.

Besides the setting, this story also has a unique and interesting plot, storyline, and premise. I never read any stories like TNC before. I'm glad that I chose to read TNC. It's a wonderful book indeed.

Marco and Celia are two romantic characters. I like the way Morgenstern describes their feelings for each other. Their chemistry is so intense. It makes you want to know what's going to happen to them at the end of the story. Plus, I like that Morgenstern uses forbidden love as a trope for this story. And I also like the slow-burn romance between the two characters. The forbidden love trope and slow-burn romance make Celia and Marco's chemistry more intense. It pulls you to read the novel till the end. 

Other than the setting, plot, storyline, premise, characters, and romance tropes, I also like Morgenstern's writing style. Her writing style is very artsy and classy. It makes TNC a very sophisticated novel to read. I hope TNC will be adapted into a movie or a musical theater one day. It will surely be magical.

Overall, I rate this novel 9/10. TNC is a very enjoyable romantasy novel to read. I highly recommend my fellow bookworms who are romantasy or fantasy addicts to read this novel. Trust me, guys, The Night Circus is a novel you must not miss. However, there are some spicy romance scenes in the story. Therefore, TNC is not suitable for teenagers under 18 years old to read. Sorry, teenagers :P

Okay, so this is my review of The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. So, has anyone read The Night Circus? If yes, what are your opinions of the story? And what are your opinions of Marco and Celia's romance? Feel free to geek about the novel with me in the comment box below ya ^_^

Before I end this post, I want to inform my readers that I'll be going on a long holiday starting this Friday, the 18th of October to the 1st of November 2024. So there will be no post from me on these dates. Insya-Allah, I'll see you guys again right after I return from my vacation. Take care ^_^


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Auhtorpreneur, Content Creator, Blogger, Illustrator & Crafter)

#TheNightCircus #ErinMorgenstern #Romantasy #Fantasy #FantasyRomance #Romance #HistoricalFantasy #UrbanFantasy #AdultFairyTale #NovelReview #FadimaMooneiraLibrary #Edutainment #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. It's great when we get into a book that we can't put down and finish reading it in a couple of days! This sounds like a really interesting and well written story—thansk for the review!


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