Eiyo Fadneiras,

How are you all doing? I hope you guys are doing well, especially my Muslim friends, since Ramadan is coming soon. Are you guys ready for the beautiful holy month? I hope you are. It's healing month ^_^

For today's post, I will share the six good things to do during Ramadan. But first, let me share a summary of Ramadan with you guys...

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is also known as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. Ramadan is viewed as one of the five pillars of Islam. The five pillars are the foundation of how Muslims live their lives. Besides Ramadan, the other four pillars are faith, prayer, charity, and pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

During Ramadan, we, Muslims are required to fast from sunrise to sunset for one month. Fasting is a must for all Muslims except those who are sick, pregnant, lactating, menstruating, elderly, and traveling. Fasting means we aren't allowed to eat, drink, smoke cigarettes, or do sexual and sinful things from sunrise to sunset. Some of the reasons why we, Muslims are required to fast during Ramadan is because it helps us to devote ourselves to faith, brings us closer to Allah SWT, and makes us learn to be patient and compassionate. Fasting is about nourishing our souls. 

During Ramadan, we, Muslim people usually wake up before sunrise just to have our Sahur. Sahur is to prepare ourselves for the day and fast. For Sahur, we usually have light meals and drink plenty of water. When sunrise begins, we fast. And after the sun fully sets, we break our fast by having dates, water, and some meals. After we break our fast, we continue our night with Fardhu and Tarawih prayer. When the beautiful month is over, we will celebrate our victory with Eid Mubarak.

Okay, so this is my summary of Ramadan. Now let's delve into the six good things to do during the holy month. For my non-Muslim friends, you can also do these six good things. They are good for healing. And yes, Ramadan is a perfect month for healing ^_^



For those who are buzzing bees like me, Ramadan is the time to take a break and slow down your work. Ramadan is not just about fasting. Ramadan is also a month to focus on your prayers. During Ramadan, Muslims are required to pray more than before. Yep, Ramadan is a month for healing. It's a moment to heal your soul. That's why praying is important. Plus, try not to worry much about your work. The more you pray, the more Allah SWT will help you. Insya-Allah, everything will go smooth sailing for you. Most important trust Allah SWT's timing.


Besides prayers and fasting, Ramadan is also a good time to read the Al-Quran and do a lot of dhikr. Reading Al-Quran and dhikr helps you to nourish your soul. Al-Quran is the best book for healing. It helps you to reflect on yourself as a human being and Muslim.


Ramadan is known as a holy month for all Muslims. So during the holy month, all Muslims are required to do good things for themselves and others. And that includes avoiding juicy gossip. When I say avoid juicy gossip, what I mean is don't listen to them, don't get involved, and don't talk bad. You are allowed to geek about the things you love. Just don't talk bad about people and things. And for those who are sarcastic, don't use foul letter words when you talk or get angry. Ramadan is the time to control your temper.



Since Ramadan is the month to wake up to the good, all Muslims are highly encouraged to do charities and donations. This is the time to help those who are in need. Well of course you are encouraged to do charities anytime. Not just during Ramadan. But Ramadan is a good month to practice being a good person. Charities and donations don't have to be big. Just give whatever you can give. Trust me, you'll be happy when you help others. It's part of healing your own soul.


For all Muslims, Ramadan is a good time to focus on self-care. That's why it is good to slow down your work during Ramadan. Prayers, fasting, reading the Al-Qura, and dhikr are part of self-care practices for all Muslims. Other than prayers, fasting, reading the Al-Quran, and dhikr, you guys can also do journaling, read good books (but not those with spicy scenes ya), do spring cleaning, practice good skincare routine, do light exercise, and other things that are related to self-care. I also want to remind you guys and myself, not to overeat during break fasting time and sahur. Plus, do get enough sleep during Ramadan ya ^_^


Since Ramadan is a good time to practice good things, you guys are encouraged to make an effort to call or text your loved ones, family, relatives, and friends. Ask them how they are doing with their lives. Show them and tell them that you care for them. This makes those in your circle feel appreciated. The phrase "How are you doing?" brings thousands of loves. It puts a smile on a person's face and heart. It shows people that they have a special place in your heart. Do call or text them. Don't just stalk their social media accounts. And since Ramadan is also a month of forgiving, do forgive those who did wrong to you. And don't be shy to ask for forgiveness from those you did wrong to. 

Okay, so these are the six good things to do during Ramadan. Besides Muslims, friends of other religions are also welcome to practice these six good things. They are good for healing, guys. Ramadan is the month to heal your soul.

My dua for my family, friends & loved ones. Aamiin ^_^

Okay, this is all for now. Thank you for reading this post. I'll see you guys again in my next post. Insya-Allah. To all my Muslim friends, I wish you guys a Happy Ramadan in advance. I hope Ramadan will be a good month for all of us. I also hope all of us will be blessed during this holy month. May we wake up to the good and achieve good things. So be good. Be healthy.


Fadima Mooneira ^_^

(Authorpreneur, Novelist, Crafter)

#Ramadan #Ramadan2025 #Muslim #Islam #SelfCare #Lifestyle #FadimaMooneiraDotCom




  1. I've learned a lot about Ramadan after reading this post. These are great things to do for anyone doing Ramadan x

    Lucy Mary

  2. Thank you for sharing your traditions. It sounds like a peaceful and spiritual experience.

    1. Yes, it is. And you are welcome to do these practices too.

  3. Beautiful post.
    Reflecting the virtues in every day life is the essence of holiness.
    Have a blessed month of Ramadan!

  4. How many months are there in the Islamic calendar? It had never crossed my mind that Muslims might use a different calendar

    1. The Islamic calendar have 12 months as well ~ Muharram, Safar, Rabi'ul Awwal, Rabi'ul Thani, Jumada-I-Ula, Jumada-th-Thaniyya, Rajab, Sha'ban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhul Qadah, and Dhul Hijjah. The Islamic calendar is also known as the Hijri Calendar. Thank you for asking.

  5. What a lovely post. I learnt a lot! Thanks for sharing.

  6. This was really insightful. I love the effort to connect with loved ones. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your traditions! Very interesting, although I am not clear about what dhikr is. Can you please explain that a little more? Taking time to focus on prayer, caring for yourself and others is admirable.


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